The Vineyard Restoration Fund was designed to rebuild the economic and agricultural roots of the New Mexico’s wine industry. The “Vine Fund” is a $1MM grant program that was created by the Legislature in 2022. New Mexico Department of Agriculture and New Mexico State University oversee the program and report monthly to New Mexico Department of Finance Authority. Our 2024 application period will begin on March 1, 2024 with the final round of grants awarded during this grant cycle. There are two parts to the application process. Please download the attached Grape Survey and Funding Application for more details.

Replanting Our Roots
2023 applications are open. Applications will be accepted and reviewed through October 2023 for the 2023 planting season.
- Review 1 deadline: May 15, 2023
- Review 2 deadline: August 31, 2023
There are two parts to your application. (Grape Survey and Funding Application)
New Mexico Winery with active license and established 3+ acre vineyard.
+ Copy of a New Mexico Winegrowers license + site inspection
New Mexico Vineyard who currently grows grapes for the industry with 3+ acre vineyard.
+ Contract with a licensed winery who buys your grapes + site inspection
New Mexico Winery with active license who wants to plant/expand a vineyard to 3+ acres.
+ Copy of New Mexico Winegrowers license + site inspection + mandatory workshop
New Mexico farmers with experience, land, and water rights and an interest in grapes.
+ Site inspection + sales contract with a winery or proof of application for a New Mexico Winegrowers license + mandatory workshop
Beginning Grape Grower / New farmer planting a vineyard.
+ Site inspection + copy of vineyard/winery business plan + mandatory workshop/conference
The Vine Fund grant program does allow for collaborative and cooperative applications. Projects that do not meet the Eligibility requirements can be submitted to the Review Committee for conditional approval. Ineligible entities include out-of-state applicants, non-commercial growers, and others who do not meet the minimum qualifications.
Up $50,000 per application year at a maximum of $5 per vine. Via reimbursement only.
Example 1: Grape grower buys 25,000 vines at $4.25 a vine and planted in March of 2022. Grape grower is eligible for reimbursement of $4.25 a vine for 10,000 of the ordered and planted vines, totaling $42,500.
Example 2: New Mexico licensed winery orders 5000 new vines to be planted in 2023 at $6.50 each. Winery is eligible for only $5.00 per vine, totaling $25,000 in reimbursement. Winery will be reimbursed after vines are in the ground.
- Completed Application
- Completed Grape Survey
- Map, survey, arial photography, or plot of vineyard where grapes will be planted.
- Site visit of the vineyard by a member of the review committee or NM Wine staff
- Invoice from a certified nursery:
- Bill for vines ordered for 2023 (This reserves your funds in this application cycle. Will be paid after bill is paid.)
- Invoice showing $0 balance if 2022 vines
- Copy of canceled check
- Proof of payment (payment records must match the total invoiced and funded)
- If grower selling grapes – A letter of support from the buyer, a licensed winery.
The planting of grape vines is limited to vinifera, French hybrids and other vines deemed appropriate for the production of wine. Table grape varieties do not qualify for this program. All vines must be supplied from a certified nursery.